Monday, September 04, 2006

It's Not About Revenue!

Interestingly enough, despite the penalty of spitting being in the triple 0’s denominations, Fairfield Council has defended its imposition. Apparently it’s nothing about raising revenue or anything preposterous like that. In an interview with the ABC News Online, Khoshaba emphasised that the trial is about education and not the fine.

“It’s not about increasing revenue or anything like that,” he said.

“It’s just about creating the awareness for people to understand that it’s not acceptable, it’s not tolerated and hopefully they’ll just stop it.”

In another interview with The Daily Telegraph, he again reiterated the focus was on education of people to rid of the “filthy habit”.

Khoshaba said: “This has always been about educating residents, not just about the fines. But community enforcement officers will have the right to issue on-the-spot fines.”

Khoshaba and the new stencils - Image courtesy of The Daily Telegraph.

If it really is only about education, then why the huge $1,100 penalty? If it's really only about educating people, shouldn't there be campaigns being introduced to teach people on the detrimental effects of spitting in public? To me, fhe fine is just a vain hope that it will be a successful form of sdeterrent instead of actually creating awareness and understanding from the bad habits which the council wishes to curb.

Also, there seems to be inconsistency between "ordinary" people and the sports stars. I don’t often watch sports but when I do, I seem to notice that many players like to spit on the fields. Should they too be banned just like Fairfield residents?


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